So tired of getting dicked around. I talked to the principal and she said they aren't calling anyone back in who interviewed for the first position and that they had just combined all the questions in the first round (which sort of contradicts other things she had told me). She said they hope to have a decision by early next week. Considering the fact that I don't have the appropriate endorsement and that I am not officially getting to interview for this position, I doubt I'll be getting an offer anytime soon. I really just wanted the chance to interview for it. I feel like I could have done so much better this time around. Last time I didn't even get a day to prepare, I was sick as a dog and deaf in one ear (had a horrible ear infection!), and I was only three weeks post-par tum. I felt like I couldn't focus and didn't give as many specific examples as I could have given. Oh well...dwelling on the past won't help anything. All I can do is update my resume and focus on ESL positions in the spring. In the meantime, I'll just focus on my beautiful babies, my health, and the holiday season.
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